Sunday, May 26, 2013

Defining Life

Life is a cave
you try not to be
it's slave
The more you try
the more it makes you cry
still be on the move
with the hope
that for some light
there's always a scope

Meanwhile, some bats that surround
they just hover around
to put me back
down to the ground
Out of their mind
they are themselves blind
the fact that I'll make it
jealous and baffled
they are never kind

With each encountered bend
I sense some light
but it turns out to be a mirage
the end being out of sight

I disarm myself
ready to surrender
but the vengeance
hidden under
flashes out with accompanying thunder
I start again
with the thought
that not giving a try
would be a blunder

On and On
is this cycle of dark and light
So I do fall but get up and fight
with the goal in sight
I keep it tight
for the fact that
I deserve the light

The Decision

Decided to move forth
as you did'nt realise my worth
Still remem the road
not to forget the bend
you called me a friend
Never knew before
the cheapest way to end
All I intend is
to convey at your end
that on friendship
I talk of you as a blot
that's the way you'll stay
In my thought

Now comes the final stitch
hey you are
a bigtime bitch
who in my dreams
haunts like a witch
You learnt only to play
your hobby being to ditch
to you love means nothing
as you want someone rich

The Unanswered Me

These mysterious eyes
they ask an unknown question
Now the curious me
dives deep into the sea
The deeper I dive
the more am lost
Unanswered yet inquisitive
I'm left
by you the host

Inculcated in me is
a desire
a wish
to drink from your eyes
like a fish

Your smiling face
happy and refreshed
it does make me feel
All my foes
All my woes
it does make me leave
May call it the zeal
the medicine to heal
blessed and lucky
it does make me feel

The Need For A Heart

I just forget
that you need have a heart
to love the way I do
To care the way I do
You never really know
that I put it all on stake
The pain that I take
to bring that curve
back on your face
No words to tell
how happy does it make

Blessed I am
May be you are
that we came this far
all my things
I call them our
Away from all
We got to spend this hour
At times you do hurt
like a thorn
but you'll still be my flower
that cool monsoon shower

You broke it again
the promise that you made
Wonder you just make it
to break
Or you just want to
see my tears fill a lake

The Unsung Beggar

My love for you
makes me recall
that I have been a beggar
who was ready
with his blessings
waiting for you to toss some alms
into his empty palms
Would have accepted them
as a cloud full of love
prayed for you before
 the ONE sitting above

Always in your smile
i found an answer
I saw a hope
with all my wounds
will be able to cope
But, the laugh you had
It put a full stop

I knew I'll be forgotten
the way you forget your word
I won't be recognized
like the sheep in herd
will cross unnoticed
like the thirsty bird

Like the wheels of your drive
I carry the weight
The burden of losing you
to someone higher in state
The pain of defeat
that blot of failure
Will always hide
the fact that
I tried showing some valour

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rosy Geek

Amongst  the  girl  geeks
     I look for the one
 with   the   rosy   cheeks!

Your   captivating   eyes
   make me have sighs
The    specs    you    wear
   they act as a shield
to    the    cupid    vibes
     your eyes yield!

Wearing  that  top  with  zebra  stripes
   you look like those cute types
You are the reason that am always keen
      to hang out with buddies
            near the Canteen!

If    the   sea   was   the   word   I   had   to   define
   would have pointed to your eyes full of shine
The   more   I    peep
  the more I go deep
Like the never ending elevation
       of a hill so steep

Neither   i    stalk
  Nor i try to talk
Coz   am   afraid that
   I may end up
as a laughing stock
So  i  conclude  by   saying
  that this is my creation
      dedicated   to   you
         the inspiration
It's  a  pleasure  to
  share  the  bus with you
till the metro station!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Vengeance- The only way out

I have been living in a kingdom
     widou the emperor
You are the one
     to be blamed for terror
Never felt perfection
     only experienced  error
Intentionally for me
     you initiated the  'emotional flood'
and you say,
     we are related through blood!

I'm away from my place
but that SOMEDAY will come
     when I'll be back
Remember, you won't be spared
     coz I'll attack!
you'll run for the breathing space
     for am gonna set your in and out ablaze

I have been the PRINCE
     who shouldered the pressure to perform
On my own have I faced
     every approaching storm
There's a thing in me
     they call 'never say die'
so each time I have a fall
     on the floor I don't lie
I   pick   myself    up
and as always
     I'm ready to fly!!
