Monday, November 25, 2013

A Writer Is Born

When your words 
Get no ear
Eyes throw a Pearl
I call Tear
Away from the lights
Alone you mourn
There And Then 
A Writer Is Born

When the world is fast
Like the beast with Horn
And you move slow
Like the Worm
When yourselves you question
Why for me
Defeats Setbacks are the norm
There And Then
A Writer Is Born

When for your Rose
You are nothing but a Thorn
You look for someone
To sew you up
When inside and out
You are torn
When you collect yourself
After the Storm
There And Then 
A Writer Is Born

The well within
With feelings emotions
Is filled up to the Brim
Chances of taking more in
They are too grim
When all from the inside
Out on a paper 
Gets thrown
There and Then
A Writer Is Born